mTrak vehicle tracking system | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the mTrak work?
1. The mTrak unit contains a GPS receiver which tells the unit its position.
2. The mTrak unit also contains a GSM (mobile phone) modem that transmits the position to the mTrak server.
3. The mTrak website stores the positions, and shows them to the vehicle owner, over satellite images or maps.

How do I fit an mTrak unit?
See Here & Here or if that looks too difficult, call us and we can arrange for someone to come and fit it. We charge for fitting, but if you want phone advice, that is free.

How much does it cost to run?
The only running cost is the cost of the data and text messages sent by the mTrak unit.
The costs are outlined Here

Can mTrak units be upgraded?
Yes. The firmware can be brought up to date as required.
Versions that are already newer than 3.500 can be brought up to the latest version though the mobile phone network.

Can mTrak units and the website be customised?
Generally, yes. Please contact us if you have a specific requirement. It may be possible to include changes on the next version.
Highly individual or very extensive changes may have an associated cost.

What are the differences between the mTrak basic and the mTrak plus?
1. The mTrak plus contains a rechargeable backup battery so it will work for about a week without vehicle power.
2. It has a tilt sensor, and it can be configured to text and email if moved with the ignition off.
3. It can be configured to text and email if the alarm input is activated.
4 .The mTrak plus works best a connection to the ignition switch on the vehicle, as well as the two connections for permanent power and ground connections which the mTrak basic needs.

Are there versions of the mTrak for 24 V vehicles?
The mTrak units all work on either 12 V or 24 V systems.

How do I locate my vehicles?
By logging into the mTrak website. You can use any web browser, and there is a mobile version of the website for mobile phones with smaller screen. The website is regularly checked on PCs and Macs with a variety of browsers. Many games consoles and some e-book readers such as the Kindle have web browsers and can be used to see the website.

How do I locate my vehicles if I don't have internet access?
You can call the mTrak unit on a mobile phone, or send a text that says "find". It will reply with a text that includes the latitude and longitude, as well as the bearing and distance from the nearest motorway junction. Some Satnavs, such as the TomTom Start, can set a route to a latitude and longitude, as an alternative to the more usual postcode or address.

You can phone the mTrak from a landline and the texts are read out to you. The message is much easier to understand if you write it down as it is read out.

834532805 positions tracked

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